Fråga-svar Tunisien. Situationen för homosexuella.

Tunisien. Situationen för homosexuella.
Vilken ny landinformation finns angående homosexuellas situation i
Sammanställning av information:
United States Department of State (2013):
Societal Abuses, Discrimination, and Acts of Violence
Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Although consensual same-sex sexual activity is not
illegal per se, the penal code of 1964 criminalizes anal
intercourse, and convictions carry up to a three-year
prison sentence. In a February 4 interview on a talk show,
Minister of Human Rights and Transitional Justice Samir
Dilou characterized same-sex acts as a "perversion that
requires medical treatment" and a western concept
incompatible with Islam and national culture. Anecdotal
evidence suggested lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT) individuals faced discrimination,
and there were allegations police officers sometimes
harassed openly gay persons and accused them of
spreading HIV/AIDS. Human rights activists also alleged
security force members continued to assault individuals
perceived to be LGBT individuals. Despite the hostile
environment, increased media freedom allowed members
of the LGBT community increased access to information.
There were numerous LGBT blogs. For example, the
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magazine Gayday provided a forum for LGBT members
to discuss issues of interest.
Human Rights Watch (2013):
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Minister of Human Rights and Transitional Justice Samir
Dilou said in a TV interview that "freedom of expression
has its limits," and stated that homosexuality was a
"perversion" that needed to be "treated medically."
However, Chakib Darouiche, the ministry's press attaché,
confirmed that Dilou acknowledged his responsibility to
protect the rights of Tunisia's LGBT minority like those
of any other Tunisian citizens.
International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (2012)
återger Tunisiens lagstiftning gällande homosexualitet:
Male/Male Illegal Female/Female Illegal
Penal Code of 1913 (as modified) 179
Article 230. “The sodomy, that is not covered by any of
the other previous articles, is punished with
imprisonment for three years”.
(Unofficial translation) (s. 37)
Migrationsverket & Bundesamt für Migration (2012):
Our sources said the attitude of the population towards
stretched from tolerance to strict condemnation,
depending on social
background: members of the Tunisian upper class can
generally stand by
their homosexuality relatively freely, whereas this is not
the case for
those from traditional backgrounds or rural areas. The
latter potentially
risks being cast out by their families or losing their job.
Although it is
possible to be verbally attacked36, when showing too
explicit your sexual orientation, there was no known case
of anyone being physically attacked.
37 Lesbians and gays will often seek the anonymity of
larger towns. In addition, there are opportunities for
establishing social
contact with other homosexuals through closed social
Generally, lesbians and gays do not have a problem as
long as they do
not exhibit their sexual orientation publicly.39 Under the
Tunisian penal
code, homosexuality can be punished with up to three
years’ imprisonment.
40 Our sources said the police had been relatively
tolerant towards
lesbians and gays before the revolution. However, there
had been isolated
cases of people being arrested, typically if you get too
intimate in
parks or other public spaces or otherwise make yourself
too conspicuous.
41 The Red Crescent said it had wanted to distribute
condoms in
prisons, but this had been refused by the authorities.42
Other observers
said that the authorities were relatively open to dialogue
on this topic.
However, society’s attitude towards this topic seems to
be turning more
UD (2012). Bör läsas som komplement till UD-rapporten från 2011, se
Homosexuella, bisexuella och transsexuella (hbt)
personer är diskriminerade och sexuella relationer dem
emellan belagda med fängelsestraff. Den politiska
revolten och de positiva förändringar den i stort lett till
har inte inneburit några lättnader för denna utsatta grupp.
(s. 2)
Homosexuella, bisexuella och transsexuella (hbt)
personer har inte jämlikhet inför lagen. Sexuellt umgänge
hbt-personer emellan anses som en brottslig handling,
med ett maximumstraff om tre års fängelse. (s. 11)
UD (2011):
17. Diskriminering på grund av sexuell läggning eller
Homosexuella åtnjuter inte jämlikhet inför lagen.
Homosexuellt umgänge kan bestraffas med upp till tre års
fängelse. För att ett sådant straff ska kunna utdömas
måste en anmälan ha gjorts och det ska finnas vittnen.
Mot den bakgrunden är det ovanligt att mål som avser
homosexualitet hamnar inför domstol. (s. 12)
Se sammanställning av information från Immigration and Refugee Board of
Canada (2009) om homosexuellas situation i Tunisien:
Se även urval av nyhetsrapportering angående hbtq-personers situation i det
tunisiska samhället:
Deutsche Welle (2012-11-07): (
Indy Week (2012-09-19):
Tunisia Live (2012-01-25):
Denna sammanställning av information/länkar är baserad på informationssökningar gjorda
under en begränsad tid. Den är sammanställd utifrån noggrant utvalda och allmänt tillgängliga
informationskällor. Alla använda källor refereras. All information som presenteras, med
undantag av obestridda/uppenbara fakta, har dubbelkontrollerats om inget annat anges.
Sammanställningen gör inte anspråk på att vara uttömmande och bör inte tillmätas exklusivt
bevisvärde i samband med avgörandet av ett enskilt ärende.
Informationen i sammanställningen återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis Migrationsverkets
officiella ståndpunkt i en viss fråga och det finns ingen avsikt att genom sammanställningen
göra politiska ställningstaganden.
Refererade dokument bör läsas i sitt sammanhang.
Deutsche Welle, “No gay rights revolution in Tunisia”, 2012-11-07, (Hämtad
Human Rights Watch, World Report 2013 - Tunisia, 2013-01-31, (Hämtad 2013-06-10)
Immigration and Refugee Board,
Tunisia. The status of homosexual men and women,
2009-11-23, (Hämtad
Indy Week, “After the Arab Spring, the future is uncertain for Muslim gay
youth”, 2012-09-19,
(Hämtad 2013-06-11)
International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, Statesponsored Homophobia: A world survey of laws criminalising same-sex
sexual acts between consenting adults, maj 2012, (Hämtad 2013-06-10)
Migrationsverket & Bundesamt für Migration, Report from a Swedish-Swiss
fact-finding mission to Tunisia from 6-10 June 2011,
/herkunftslaenderinformationen/afrika/tun/TUN-ber-factfindingmissione.pdf (Hämtad 2013-06-10)
Tunisia Live, “Tunisian LGBT Community: A “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
Situation”, 2012-01-25, (Hämtad 2013-06-11)
United States Department of State, 2012 Country Reports on Human Rights
Practices - Tunisia, 2013-04-19, (Hämtad 2013-06-10)
UD, Mänskliga rättigheter i Tunisien 2010, 2011-07-07, Lifos dokumentnr:
UD, Mänskliga rättigheter i Tunisien 2011, 2012-06-30, Lifos dokumentnr: