Index / Innehållsförteckning

Index / Innehållsförteckning
to Swedish DNA Project News / till Sverigeprojektnyheter
References are made to issue and page number.
Hänvisning görs till utgåva och sidnummer.
1000 Genomes Project… 3:9
13-22-14-10-14-14-11-14-11-12-11-28 (Y-DNA 12-marker haplotype)… 6:11 ff
13-22-15-10-13-14-11-14-11-12-11-28 (Y-DNA 12-marker haplotype)… 3:17 ff
13-22-16-10-13-14-11-14-11-12-11-28 (Y-DNA 12-marker haplotype)… 5:9 ff
13-23-14-10-14-14-11-14-11-12-11-28 (Y-DNA 12-marker haplotype)… 2:5 ff
13-23-14-10-14-15-11-14-11-12-11-28 (Y-DNA 12-marker haplotype)… 1:3 ff
13-24-14-11-11-14-12-12-11-13-13-29 (Y-DNA 12 marker haplotype)… 4:17 ff
agricultre, spread of to Scandinavia… 3:9 ff
Ajvide, archeological DNA samples from… 3:9 ff
Alavieska parish… 6:7
Ancient DNA comparison… 3:13
Anderslöv parish… 2:9
Archaic DNA matches… 3:13
Ärla parish… 6:6
Ås parish… 3:16
Atlas Project… 3:12
Bäckmark, family… 1:6
Magnus… 3:22
Bagge, family… 4:26
BAM file… 3:7
Banks(t)on, family… 4:23
Belanger, family… 2:6
Berg, Anders… 3:2
Berlin, Rolf… 3:1
Betnér, Staffan… 4:3
Big Y… 3:5 ff
Bladåker parish… 1:8
Blidsberg parish… 5:6
Blomdahl, family… 4:20
Blomquist, family… 4:20
Bollnäs parish… 6:9 f
Boström… 6:13
Brolin, family… 3:15
Maria… 2:4
Burseryd parish… 4:21
Burträsk parish… 2:12, 7:7
Butler, family… 4:25
Carlin, Mats… 6:2
Chandrakumar, Felix… 3:13
Chilver(s), family… 6:16
Chis(h)olm (Chism), family… 1:4, 2:6, 2:9
Cleveland, Pat… 7:3 f
Collander, family… 2:9
Collini, Georg Henric… 6:9 f
Creas(e)y/Creecy, family… 6:16
DNA Genealogy Experiment… 4:3 ff
DNA-anor, facebook group… 3:1… 4:3 ff
Duty, family… 1:6
Ekberg, Don… 3:2, 6:1
von Eppinghoven, family… 4:24
Falun Kristine parish… 3:18
Family Finder Common Matches Circle… 4:3 ff
Family Finder Common Matches Graph… 4:7 ff
Family Finder, differences in representation from different parts of Sweden… 5:3
increase of matches… 3:15, 4:11, 6:1, 7:2
Family Tree DNA, customers by numbers in Sweden… 5:2
farming, spread of to Scandinavia… 3:9 ff
FASTA file… 2:14
Flink, family… 1:6
Flo parish… 5:5
Foss parish… 6:15
Fox, family… 1:4
Fredman, family… 5:7 f
Frykman, family… 4:20
Fuxerna parish… 4:23
Föglö parish, Åland… 7:7
GEDmatch… 3:13
Gentry, family… 2:6
Georg V, king of the United Kingdom… 4:24
Gillespie, family… 1:4
Glemminge parish… 2:9
Godegård parish… 7:7
Goff (Gough), family… 5:11 f
Gökhem, archeological DNA samples from… 3:9 ff
Gordon, family… 1:4
Göteryd parish… 2:9
Götherström, Anders… 3:12
Gough (Goff), family… 5:11 f
Greathouse, family… 6:15 f
Grothusen (Grotthuss etc), family… 6:16
H (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:11 f
H1* (mtDNA haplogroup)… 2:11 ff
H1c (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:11
H2a1 (mtDNA haplogroup)… 1:7 f
H3b-G16129A! (mtDNA haplogroup)… 6:4 ff
H11a2a-C16519T (mtDNA haplogroup)… 7:6 f
H24 (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:11
Hedemora parish… 7:7
Håkon Eriksson, jarl… 3:19
Hålta parish… 2:4
Hamby, family… 2:6
Hammarstedt, family… 1:6
Harper, family… 2:7
Hasslö parish… 2:9
Haukipudas parish… 3:21
Hemmesjö parish… 5:6
Hertzman, family… 2:9
heteroplasmy… 4:14
Hjorted parish… 2:4
Högsäter parish… 2:4
Högsjö parish… 1:8
Hull, family… 3:17 f
HV (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:12
I-BY126 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 3:19
I-BY3756 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 f
I-BY3757 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 f
I-CTS1977 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I-CTS6433 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:12
I-DF29 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 3:19, 5:7 f, 6:11 ff
I-FGC17393 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:11
I-FGC17394 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:11
I-L1301 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 3:19
I-L1302 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 3:19, 5:10
I-L205 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 2:7
I-L22 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 1:3 ff
I-L233 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I-L258 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 6:2
I-L38 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I-L801 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I-M223 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I-M227 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 3:19
I-M253 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 3:19
I-P109 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 2:6
I-P37 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 3:11
I-S21825 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I-S7642 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 6:13
I-S8104 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:11 f
I-Y11205 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 6:7 ff
I-Y11267 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 6:14
I-Y19080 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 6:14
I-Y19081 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 6:14 f
I-Y4926 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:12
I-Y4955 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:12
I-Y5473 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 3:2
I-Y7824 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:12
I-Z58 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 5:9 ff
I-Z60 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 3:17 f
I-Z63 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 2:7
I-Z78 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:12
I-Y13037 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:11
I-Y14685 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:11
I-Y17514 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:11
I-Y22702 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:11
I-Y4882 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I-Y4926 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:11
I-Y6876 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:11
I2 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:8 ff
I2a1 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I2a2b (L38) (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I2a2 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I2a2a (M223) (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I2a2a1b2a1 (CTS1977) (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I2a2a1b2a (L801) (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
I2a2a1b2a2 (CTS6433) (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:12
I2a2a1b2a3 (L1290) (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:13
I2c1 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:10 ff
Ire, archeological DNA samples from… 3:1
J (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:12
J1c2c1 (mtDNA haplogroup)… 5:5 ff
Jacobsson, family… 3:16
Jakobsson, Mattias… 3:12
Jewish maternal lines… 4:13
Jörn parish… 5:7
K1e (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:11
Kaercher, family… 6:16
Kangasala parish… 6:13
Kercher, family… 6:16
Keys, family… 4:25
Kristinestad, town… 6:6
Kylli, Jukka… 6:2
La Braña man… 3:11
Långelanda parish… 6:15
Langford, family… 6:16
Lekeryd parish… 6:15
Leopold I, king of Belgium… 4:24
Lick’s, James, webpage mtDNA Haplogroup Analysis… 2:14
Lindsay, family… 6:16
Linneryd parish… 1:6
Little, Brad… 4:24
Little, family… 2:7
Littlechild, family… 3:19
Luleå parish… 6:13
Lungsund parish… 4:21
Mallory, family… 6:16
Malma parish… 2:4
Marsh, family… 4:25
McNeil(l), family… 1:4
Merikarvia (Sastmola) parish… 5:5
Meurling, family… 4:21
Misterhult parish… 2:4
Mörling, family… 4:21
Motala parish… 2:9
mtDNA haplogroup designation, problem with… 2:13 f
N (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:12
Nederkalix parish… 2:9
Nederluleå parish… 2:12
Nisbet(t), family… 4:24
Nora parish… 4:16
Nordingrå parish… 4:12 ff
Nordmaling parish… 2:13
Norstedt, family… 3:18, 5:12
Norstedt-Moberg, Jakob… 2:1
Olsson, Anders… 5:2
Önum parish… 1:6
Östhammar parish… 1:6
Otterstad parish… 2:4
Överlännäs parish… 1:8
Pääbo, Svante… 3:14
PhyloTree… 6:4
Piteå parish… 1:7 f
Poe, family… 1:4
Pruitt, family… 2:9
Regna parish… 6:6
Rice, family… 2:6
Richard III, king of England… 5:5 f
R-DF27 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14
R-L151 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 4:17 ff
R-L21 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14
R-L238 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14 f
R-L51 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 4:18
R-M269 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 4:18, 7:14 ff
R-P311 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14
R-P312 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 4:18, 7:14
R-S4037 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 4:24
R-U106 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14
R-U152 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14 ff
R-Z156 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14
R-Z301 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14
R-Z372 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 4:19 ff, 7:14 ff
R-Z9 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14
R1b-M269 (Y-DNA haplogroup)… 7:14 ff
Rundvall, family… 2:9
Runfeldt, Göran… 4:3
Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, house of… 4:24 ff
Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld, house of… 4:25
Sastmola (Merikarvia) parish… 5:5
Seagroatt/Segrott, family… 6:16
Seaman(d)s, family… 3:18
Segrott/Seagrott, family… 6:16
Sellers (Sellars), family… 1:4
Sievi parish… 6:7
Sigmundr Afrekison(?)… 3:19
Simmons (Seaman(d)s), family… 3:18
Šimon Afrikanovich… 3:19
Själevad parish… 3:21
Sjölund, Peter… 3:22
Sjöqvist Persson, Eva… 2:1
Sjöqvist/Sjökvist, family… 6:14
Sjösås parish… 5:6
Skäfthammar parish… 1:6
Skanör parish… 2:9
Skellefteå parish… 2:12, 5:7
Skoglund, Pontus… 3:9
Skrea parish… 5:6
SNP testing… 1:2, 5:10
Stöde parish… 1:8
Storå, Jan… 3:12
Sveg parish… 2:12
Swedish DNA Project, history… 3:2
Swedish Haplogroup Database… 1:8, 2:15 f
Swedish Society for Genetic Genealogy… 4:11
T (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:12
T1a1 (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:3 ff
T2e1 > T16296C! > T16126C > G8152A (mtDNA haplogroup)… 4:12 ff
Tammisto, family… 6.13
Tennberg, family… 6:13
Thorman, family… 2:9
TiP… 3:21
Todd, family… 2:7
Tossene parish… 6:15
Tranemo parish… 5:6
Tresfjord parish, Møre and Romsdal county, Norway… 7:7
U (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:11
U3 (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:12
U4 (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:12
U4d (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:11
U5a (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:12
U5a1 (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:11
U5a1a1b (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:2
U5b (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:12
Ulvsby parish… 5:6
Ust’-Ishim, archealogical DNA from… 3:14
V (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:11 f
Vaasa town… 2:9
Vaino, family… 4:26
Vedby parish… 2:9
Vorontsov, family… 3:19
Vyborg… 6:6
W (mtDNA haplogroup)… 3:12
Walloons… 7:17
WAMH (Western Atlantic Modal Haplotype)… 4:17
Waugh, family… 1:4
Wennerström, family… 5:2
Western Atlantic Modal Haplotype (WAMH)… 4:17
Wettin, house of… 4:24 ff
Wilson, family… 1:4
YFull… 3:5 ff
Ylivieska parish… 6:7
Ytterlännäs parish… 2:12
Åhs, Gunnar… 7:3 ff