Publikationer – MiMeR
PUBLIKATIONER I VETENSKAPLIGA TIDSKRIFTER----------------------------------- 7
ETAPP 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12
ETAPP 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16
ETAPP 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23
ETAPP 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27
EXAMENSARBETEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
LICENTIATAVHANDLINGAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
DOKTORSAVHANDLINGAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Publikationer presenterade på konferenser
Björkman B.
MiMeR, Minerals and Metals Recycling Research Centre, Ongoing and planed research
Nordiska Mineralteknikkonferensen, Luleå feb. 1996. Ed. M. Thomaeus och E. Forssberg,
17-32 (svenska).
Lagerblad B., Persson A-L., billberg P.
Ballasts finmaterial och betongs reologiska egenskaper.
Nordiska Mineralteknikkonferensen, Luleå feb. 1996. Ed. M. Thomaeus och E. Forssberg,
117-126 (svenska).
Kjellson K., Lagerblad B.
Pulverbetong, en betong baserad på finpartikelmassor.
Nordiska Mineralteknikkonferensen, Luleå feb. 1997. Ed. M. Thomaeus och E. Forssberg,
89-95 (svenska).
Zhang S., Forssberg E., Menad N., Björkman B.
Metals Recycling from electronics Scrap by Air Table separation – Theory and
EPD Congress 1998. Ed. Mishra B., TMS, 1998.
Menad N., Björkman B., Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Thermodynamic Conditions for the Formation of Dioxin during the Recycling of Non
Ferrous Metals from Electric and Electronic scrap.
EPD Congress 1998. Ed. Mishra B., TMS, 1998.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Intelligent Liberation and Classification of Electronic Scrap.
9th European Symposium on Comminution, Albi, France, 8-10 Sep. 1998.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Metals Recycling from Electronic Scrap by Physical Separation Technologies.
Care Innovation –98, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 Nov. 1998.
Viklund-White C.
LCA of Zink in the Recycling of Steel.
R –99, Recovery, Recycling and Re-integration. Geneva, Switzerland 1999.
Menad N., Björkman B.
Thermodynamic Conditions for the Reduction of Dioxins during Combustion of the
Organic Parts in Electric Wastes.
Rewas -99, Global symposium on recycling, waste treatment and clean technologyu, san
Sebastian, Spain. Eds. Gaballah I., Hager J. and Solozabal R. TMS 1999, 937-949.
Yang Q., Holmberg N., Menad N., Björkman B.
A Laboratory Study on Smelt-reduction of Briquettes Made of Wastes from Stainless Steel
Rewas -99, Global symposium on recycling, waste treatment and clean technologyu, san
Sebastian, Spain. Eds. Gaballah I., Hager J. and Solozabal R. TMS 1999, 1061-1072.
Eriksson J., Ma P., Björkman B., Zander B.
Utilisation of Oily Mill Scale Sludge as Scrap Resource.
Rewas -99, Global symposium on recycling, waste treatment and clean technologyu, san
Sebastian, Spain. Eds. Gaballah I., Hager J. and Solozabal R. TMS 1999, 1423-1430.
Lindblom B., Ma P.
Characterisation and Reduction Studies of the Waste Pickling Sludge of Stainless Steel.
Rewas -99, Global symposium on recycling, waste treatment and clean technologyu, san
Sebastian, Spain. Eds. Gaballah I., Hager J. and Solozabal R. TMS 1999, 1493-1501.
Singh M., Björkman B.
Cold Bond Agglomerates of Iron and Steel Plant By-products as Burden Material for
Blast Furnaces.
Rewas -99, Global symposium on recycling, waste treatment and clean technology, san
Sebastian, Spain. Eds. Gaballah I., Hager J. and Solozabal R. TMS 1999, 1539-1548.
Menad N., Björkman B.
Precursors for PCDD/F Formation during Combustion Process.
EPD Congress, TMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, USA. Ed. P.R. Taylor, TMS 2000, 2938.
Menad N., Björkman B.
Characterisation of Electronic Wastes.
EPD Congress, TMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, USA. Ed. P.R. Taylor, TMS 2000, 231243.
Wu L-M., Sun Z-X., Forsling W.
Characterisation and Investigation on the Sorption Behaviour of Steelmaking Flue Dust.
JMPC, Int. Mineral Proc. Conference. Rom, Italy, July 2000.
Yang Q., Holmberg N., Menad N., Björkman B.
A Fundamental Study on Recycling of Wastes from Stainless Steel Plants via Electric Arc
2000 Electric furnace conference proceedings.
Eriksson J., Ye G., Drissen P., Kühn M.
Characterisation of Slag Products Obtained through Reduction of Stainless Steelmaking
Sixth International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts. Stockholm, Sweden –
Helsinki, Finland, 12-17 June 2000.
Viklund-White C.
A Life Cycle Approach to the environmental Assessment of Process Alternatives in the
Recycling of Galvanized Steel.
EPD Congress 2000, 12-16 March 2000, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Moosberg H.
Filler in Concrete.
Securing the future, International conference on mining and the environment. 25 June-1
July 2001, Skellefteå, Sweden.
Moosberg-Bustnes H., Lagerblad B.
Utilisation of By- products as Filler in Concrete.
Nordic concrete research symposium. Nov. 2001.
Moosberg-Bustnes H.
The Use of By-products Containing Metal Oxides in Concrete.
Nordic concrete research symposium. Denmark, June 2002.
Tossavainen M.
The Potential Leaching of Road-making Material and Potential Influence on the Leaching
TMS Fall 2002, Extraction and processing division meeting on Recycling and Waste
Treatment in Mineral and Metal Processing; Technical and economic aspects. Eds.
Björkman B., Samuelsson C. and Wikström J-O. Sweden, June 2002.
Su F., Lampinen H-O., Robinsson R., Eriksson L-E.
Recycling of Sludge and Dust through the BF and BOF by Cold-bonden Pelletizing at
SSAB Tunnplåt.
TMS Fall 2002, Extraction and processing division meeting on Recycling and Waste
Treatment in Mineral and Metal Processing; Technical and economic aspects. Eds.
Björkman B., Samuelsson C. and Wikström J-O. Sweden, June 2002.
Ping M., Lindblom B.
Laboratory Investigation on Treatment of Stainless Steel Pickling Sludge by Using
Smelting Reduction.
TMS Fall 2002, Extraction and processing division meeting on Recycling and Waste
Treatment in Mineral and Metal Processing; Technical and economic aspects. Eds.
Björkman B., Samuelsson C. and Wikström J-O. Sweden, June 2002.
Yang Q., Gustavsson B.
Up-grading of EAF Dust via Smelting in Electric Arc Furnace At Uddeholm Tooling AB.
TMS Fall 2002, Extraction and processing division meeting on Recycling and Waste
Treatment in Mineral and Metal Processing; Technical and economic aspects. Eds.
Björkman B., Samuelsson C. and Wikström J-O. Sweden, June 2002.
Kanari N., Mishra D., Gaballah I., Arteche A., Solozabal R., Sandström Å., Björkman B.
New process for the treatment of EAF dust.
TMS Fall 2002, Extraction and processing division meeting on Recycling and Waste
Treatment in Mineral and Metal Processing; Technical and economic aspects. Eds.
Björkman B., Samuelsson C. and Wikström J-O, 221-230. Sweden, Luleå, June 2002.
Ye G., Viklund-White C., Lindblom B.
Thermodynamic Modeling for Solving of Environmental Problems.
TMS Fall 2002, Extraction and processing division meeting on Recycling and waste
treatment in mineral and metal processing; technical and economic aspects. Eds.
Björkman B., Samuelsson C. and Wikström J-O, 875-885. Sweden, Luleå, June 2002.
Robla J.I., Menad N., Getino J.M., Mochon J. Jimènez J.F.
Gas Sensor for VOC’s Monitoring in Contaminated Soils Processing.
TMS Fall 2002, Extraction and processing division meeting on Recycling and Waste
Treatment in Mineral and Metal Processing; Technical and economic aspects. Eds.
Björkman B., Samuelsson C. and Wikström J-O. Sweden, Luleå, June 2002.
Menad N., Sandström Å., Lindblom B.
Characterization of Dusts Generated from Metallurgical Processes.
TMS Fall 2002, Extraction and processing division meeting on Recycling and Waste
Treatment in Mineral and Metal Processing; Technical and economic aspects. Eds.
Björkman B., Samuelsson C. and Wikström J-O, 639-650. Sweden, Luleå, June 2002.
Moosberg-Bustnes H.
By-products from Mineral and Metallurgical Industries as Filler in Concrete.
Challenges of concrete construction. Scotland, Sep. 2002.
Lindblom B., Sandström Å., Menad N.
Thermal Decomposition of Basic Zink Carbonate Obtained after Leaching of EAF Dust.
TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition in San Diego, California, March 2-6, 2003.
Sandström Å., Yang Q., Menad N., Lindblom B.
EAF dust Processing with a combination of Hydro- and Pyrometallurgical Techniques.
TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition in San Diego, California, March 2-6, 2003.
Singh M., Björkman B.
Use of Cement-bonded Agglomerates as Burden Material for Blast Furnaces.
TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition in San Diego, California, March 2-6, 2003.
Robinsson R., Sundqvist Ökvist L.
Recycling of Cold-bonded By-product Pellets as Burden in the Blast Furnace Process: A
lab and pilot scale investigation.
3rd International Conference on Science and Technology of Ironmaking (ICSTI), METEC
Congress, Düsseldorf, 2003.
Singh M., Björkman B.
Swelling Behaviour of Cement-bonded Briquettes.
3rd International Conference on Science and Technology of Ironmaking (ICSTI), METEC
Congress, Düsseldorf 2003.
Moosberg-Bustnes H.
Characterisation of Filler.
3rd International Symposium on Self-compacting Concrete. Iceland 17-20 August 2003.
Eriksson J., Björkman B.
MgO modification of slag from stainless steelmaking.
7:th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts. Cape Town, South
Africa, 25-28 January 2004.
Samuelsson C., Lehner T.
Investigations on the Metallurgical Use of CRT and LCD Glass.
International Symposium on ELECTRONICS & ENVIRONMENT. Scottsdale, AZ USA,
10-13 may 2004.
Larsson M., Wang C., Dahl J., Wedholm A., Samuelsson C., Magnusson M., Lampinen
H-O, Su F., Grip C-E.
Improved Energy and Material Efficiency Using New Tools for Global Optimisation of
Residue Material Flows.
SCANMET II, 2nd International Conference on Process Development in Iron and
Steelmaking, 6-9 June 2004, Luleå, Sweden.
Fenwei Su, Hans-Olof Lampinen and Ryan Robinson
Industrial tests on chargin cold bonded pellets as part of burden materials in the BOF
Proc. REWAS '2004: Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean
Technology, Madrid, Spain, Sept. 26-29 2004, (ed.) I. Gaballah, B. Mishra, R. Solozabal,
M. Tanaka, Vol. 2, p. 1943-1952.
Ping Ma, Bo Lindblom and Bo Björkman
Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Removal of Sulphur and Fluorine from
Pickling Hydroxide Sludge Generated in Stainless Steel Industry
Proc. REWAS '2004: Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean
Technology, Madrid, Spain, September 26-29 2004, Vol. 3, pp. 2017-2026.
Yang Q., Menad N.
Smelting of EAF and BF Dust in Combination with Scrap Melting to Recycle the Byproducts from Steel Industry.
REWAS 2004, Global Symposium on Recycling Waste Treatment and Clean Technology,
Madrid, Spain, 26-29 September 2004.
Menad N., Yang Q.
Thermal Reduction of EAF Dusts by Using BF Dusts as a Reducing Agent.
REWAS 2004, Global Symposium on Recycling Waste Treatment and Clean Technology,
Madrid, Spain, 26-29 September 2004.
Publikationer i vetenskapliga tidskrifter
Björkman B., Eriksson J., Nedar L., Samuelsson C.
Waste Reduction through Process Optimisation and Development.
Journal of Metals, March 1996, 45-49.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Electronic Scrap Characterisation for Materials recycling.
Waste Management & Resource recovery, Vol. 3, No 4, 1997, 157-167.
Menad N., Kanari N., Gaballah I.
Kinetics of Chlorination and Carbochlorination of Lead Sulphate.
Thermochimica Arte, 3478, 1997, 1-7.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Mechanical Separation-Oriented Characterisation of Electronic Scrap.
Resources, Conservation & Recycling 21, 1997, 247-269.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Mechanical Recycling of Electronic Scrap - Current Status and Prospects.
Waste Management & Research 16,1998, 119-128
Kanari N., Menad N., Gaballah I.
Some Aspects of the Reactivity of Olivine and Serpentine towards Different Chlorinating
Gas Mixtures.
Thermochimica Arte, 3948, 1998, 1-8.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Optimisation of Electrodynamic Separation for Metals Recovery from Electronic Scrap.
Resources, Conservations & Recycling 22, 1998, 143-162.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Aluminium Recovery from Electronic Scrap by High Force Eddy Current Separators.
Resources, Conservations & Recycling 23, 1998, 225-241.
Menad N., Björkman B., Allain E.
Combustion of Plastics Contained in Electric and Electronic Scrap.
Resources, Conservations & Recycling 24, 1998, 65-85.
Menad N., Björkman B.
Polyvinyl Chloride Used as a Chlorinating and a Reducing Agent.
Resources, Conservations & Recycling 24, 1998, 257-274.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Cable and Wire Scrap recycling by Physical Separation Technologies.
Environmental and Waste Management 1, 1998, 189-202.
Zhang S., Arvidsson B., Forssberg E.
Current Status of Eddy Current Separation Technologies.
Erzmetall 51, 1998, 829-836.
Zhang S., Forssberg E., Arvidsson B., Moss W.
An Investigation of the Parameters of Rotating Drum Type Eddy Current Separators.
Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 27, 1998, 253-260.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Intelligent Liberation and Classification of Electronic Scrap.
Powder Technology 105, 1999, 295-301.
Shen H, Pugh R.J., Forssberg E.
A Review of Plastics Waste Recycling and the Flotation of Plastics.
Resources, Conservations & Recycling 25, 1999, 85-109.
Zhang S., Forssberg E., Arvidsson B., Moss W.
Separations Mechanisms and Criteria of Rotating Eddy Current Separators.
Resources, Conservations & Recycling 25, 1999, 215-232.
Menad N., Kanari N., Allain E., Gaballah I.
Thermal Treatments of Industrial Wastes in Controlled Atmospheres for the Elimination
of As, Hg, Cd, Se and the Concentration of Pb, Cu and Zn.
Resources, Conservations & Recycling 25, 1999, 233-254.
Zhang S., Rem P., Forssberg E.
Particle Trajectory Simulation of Two-drum Eddy Current Separators.
Resources, Conservations & Recycling 26, 1999, 71-90.
Zhang S., Rem P., Forssberg E.
The Investigation on Separability of Particles Smaller than 5 mm by Eddy Current
Separation Technology. Part I: Rotating type eddy current separators.
Magnetic & Electrical Separation 9, 1999, 233-251.
Menad N.
Cathode Ray Tube Recycling.
Resources, Conservations & Recycling 26, 1999, 143-154.
Menad N., Gaballah I.
Oxidizing and Reducing Treatments of Industrial Hazardous Wastes.
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 70, 491-508.
Kanari N., Allain E., Menad N., Gaballah I.
Chlorination of Chalcopyrite Concentrate.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol. 30B, 1999, 567-575.
Tossavainen M., Forssberg E.
The Potential Leachability from Natural Road Construction Materials.
The Science of the Total Environment 239, 1999,31-47.
Yazawa A., Nakazawa S., Menad N.
Thermodynamic Evaluations on the Formation of Dioxins and Furans in Combustion Gas.
Chemosphere, Vol. 39, No 14, 1999, 2419-2432.
Wu L-M.
Characteristics of Steelmaking Flue Dust.
Ironmaking and Steelmaking, Vol.26, No 5, 1999, 372-377.
Tossavainen M., Forssberg E.
Leaching Behaviour of Rock Material and Slag Used in Road Construction.
Steel Research 71, No 11, 2000, 442-448.
Zhang S., Houwelingen J., Wei L., Forssberg E.
End-of-life Electric and Electronic Equipment Management Towards the 21st Century.
Waste Management & Research, 2000.18, 73-85.
Rem P., Zhang S., Forssberg E., De Jong T.
Investigation on Separability of Particles Below 5mm by Eddy Current Separation
Techniques, II. Novel design concepts.
Magnetic & Electrical Separation 10, 2000, 85-105.
Menad N., Gaballah I., Garcia-Carcedo F., Conejo N., Hernandez A., Ferreira S.
Thermal Treatment of Dusts from Non-ferrous Metallurgical Industries.
Revista de metalurgia 36 (Madrid, Spain), May-June 2000, 159-164.
Viklund-White C.
The Use of LCA for the Environmental Evaluation of the Recycling of Galvanized Steel.
ISIJ International, Vol. 40, No 3, 2000, 292-299.
Shen H., Forssberg E., Pugh R.J.
Selective Flotation Separation of Plastics by Particle Control.
Chemical Resources, Conservations & Recycling 33, 2001, 37-50.
Shen H., Forssberg E., Pugh R.J.
Selective Flotation Separation of Plastics by Chemical Conditioning with Methyl
Chemical Resources, Conservations & Recycling 35, 2002, 229-241.
Shen H., Pugh R.J., Forssberg E.
Floatability, Selectivity and Flotation Separation of Plastics by Using a Surfactant.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 196, 2002, 63-70.
Lindblom B., Samuelsson C., Sandström Å., Ye G.
Fine Particle Characterisation – An Important Tool for New Recycling Strategies.
Journal of Metals, December issue, 2002, 35-38.
Holger, Menad N., Lagerkvist A.
Treatment-Oriented Characterisation of Metal-bearing Fly Ash from Municipal Solid
Waste Incineration (MSWI).
Mater Cycles Waste Management 2002, 4:117-126.
Menad N., Yang Q., Fernando Garcia-Carcedo, Hernández A.
Characterization of the Flue Dust Generated from the Electric Arc Furnace Melting
Large Amounts of Zn-coated Scraps.
Waste Management Journal.
Menad N., Ayala J.N., Fernando Garcia-Carcedo, Ruiz-Ayúcar E., Hernández A.
Study of the presence of fluorine in the recycled fractions during carbothermal treatment
of EAF dust.
Waste Management 23, 2003, 483-491.
Shen H., Forssberg E.
An overview of recovery of metals from slags.
Waste Management 23, 2003, 933-949.
Yang Q., Gustafsson B.
Studies on Dust Recycling in the Electric Arc Furnace at Uddeholm Tooling AB.
Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy 32, 2003, 147-156.
Holger, Menad N., Lagerkvist A.
Carbonation of MSW Fly Ash and the Impact on Metal Mobility.
Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 129, No 5, 2003, 435-440.
Moosberg-Bustnes H.
The Function of Filler in Concrete.
Materials & Structures.
Moosberg-Bustnes H.
Use of Fine Particulate Metallurgical By-products as Filler in Concrete.
Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy.
Moosberg-Bustnes H.
The Use of By-products from Metallurgical and Mineral Industries as Filler in Cement
Based Materials.
Waste Management & Research. 2003, 21:29-37.
Cui J., Forssberg E.
Mechanical recycling of waste electric and electronic equipment: a review.
Journal of Hazardous Material, B99. 2003, 243-263.
Shen H., Forssberg E., Nordström U.
Physicochemical and mineralogical properties of stainless steel slags oriented to metal
Resources Conservation & Recycling xxx. 2003, 1-30.
Singh M., Björkman B.
Effect of Processing Parameters on the Swelling Behaviour of Cement-bonded Briquettes.
ISIJ International.
Singh M., Björkman B.
Effect of Reduction Conditions on the Swelling Behaviour of Cement-bonded Briquettes.
ISIJ International.
Singh M., Björkman B.
Swelling Behaviour of Cement-bonded Briquettes – Proposed Model.
ISIJ International.
Ryan Robinson and Lena Sundqvist Ökvist
Recycling of by-product pellets as burden in the blast furnace process: A lab and pilot
scale investigation
Steel Research International 75, 2004, No. 2, p. 99-105.
Fenwei Su, Hans-Olof Lampinen and Ryan Robinson
Recycling of sludge and dust to the BOF converter by cold bonded pelletizing
ISIJ International, Vol. 44, 2004, No. 4, p. 770-776.
Ping Ma, Bo Lindblom and Bo Björkman
Mechanism Study on Solid-state Reduction of Fe2O3-NiO-Cr2O3 System using Thermal
Scand. J. Metall. (In press).
Ping Ma, Bo Lindblom and Bo Björkman
A Study on the Mechanism of Solid-state Reduction of Fe2O3-NiO Mixtures using Thermal
Analysis Techniques
Submitted to Thermochimica Acta Journal
Ping Ma, Bo Lindblom and Bo Björkman
Experimental Studies on Solid-state Reduction of Pickling Sludge Generated in the
Stainless Steel Production
Scand. J. Metall. (In press)
Ping Ma, Bo Lindblom and Bo Björkman
A Study on the Mechanism of Solid-state Reduction of Pickling Sludge Generated in the
Stainless Steel Production
Submitted to Journal of Resource, Conservations and Recycling
Publikationer från MiMeR-projekt, ”interna rapporter”
Etapp 1
Programområde I: Förbehandlingsteknik
Eriksson J., Ma P. och Nilsson L.
Förstudie - Oljehaltiga restprodukter.
MiMeR-rapport, 1996-1-04, 1996.
SSAB Merox AB.
MiMeR-rapport 1996-1-05, 1996.
Wilhelmsson B. och Forssberg E.
Restprodukter från kalk- och dolomitindustrin, Delrapport I.
MiMeR-rapport 1996-1-07, 1996.
Andersson M.
Förstudie projekt I.A - Agglomereringsteknik, Enkätundersökning.
MiMeR-rapport 1996-1-09, 1996.
Ma J.
Agglomeration of dust and sludge generated from iron and steel production, A literature
MiMeR-rapport 1996-1-11, 1996.
Johansson L-G., Eriksson J. and Björkman B.
MiMeR-rapport 1996-1-13, 1996.
Yang Q.
Methods for Testing Agglomerates Used for Iron- and Steelmaking - A Literature Survey.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-1-03, 1997.
Wilhelmsson B.
A study tour report on by-products handling in four EU-countries.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-1-09, 1997.
Wilhelmsson B.
Strength properties of cement mortars with limestone and dolomite.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-1-12, 1997.
Wilhelmsson B. and Forssberg E.
Thermodynamic modelling to predict the equilibrium species and concentrations of metals
originating from liming material in water solutions.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-1-14, 1997.
Lindblom B.
Betbad och hydroxidslam, Förstudie.
MiMeR, Rapport 1997-1-16, 1997.
Programområde II: Slagg
Lagerblad B.
Förstudie - Restprodukter som bindemedel/filler i betong.
MiMeR-rapport 1995-2-01, 1995.
Utkin, P.
Inventering av erfarenhet av användning av industriella restprodukter i forna
MiMeR-rapport 95-2-02, 1995. ( Ingår i MIMER-rapport 1997-2-05)
Tossavainen M.
Miljöpåverkan från Referensmaterial, Delrapport 1, Lakmetoder och Lakning av
Restprodukter avsedda som Vägmaterial.
MiMeR-rapport 1996-2-03, 1996.
Tossavainen M.
Miljöpåverkan från Referensmaterial, Delrapport 2, Regulations and research regarding
use of by-products as construction material in Nordrehein-Westfalen, Germany.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-04, 1997.
Lagerblad B.
Inventering av slagg och mineraliska restprodukter.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-05, 1997.
Lundqvist A.
Miljöpåverkan från Referensmaterial, Delrapport 3, Vittring och lakning i Gråberg från
LKAB, Kiruna, LKAB.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-10, 1997.
Lundqvist A.
Miljöpåverkan från Referensmaterial, Delrapport 4, The Weathering of Waste rock from
the Kiirunavaara Magnetite Mine, LKAB.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-11, 1997.
Viklund-White C., Ye G., Fällman A-M., Eriksson J.
Control of steel slag properties by metallurgical treatment.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-13, 1997. AFR-report 204.
Tossavainen M. och Forssberg E.
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial, Delrapport 5, Tillgängligt för Utlakning i
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-15, 1997.
Lagerblad B. och Moosberg H.
Restprodukter från mineral och metallurgisk industri i cementbaserade material.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-17, 1997.
Vavrinek J.
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial, Delrapport 6, Investigation of specific Surface Area
in Leaching Tests, IAESTE-report. Sammanfattning på svenska av M. Tossavainen.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-18, 1997.
Elander P. och Fällman A-M.
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial, Delrapport 7, Slutligt omhändertagande av slagg.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-19, 1997. AB Sandvik Steel.
Fällman A-M.
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial, Delrapport 8, Utlakningsegenskaper hos hyttsten
och hyttsot.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-20, 1997. SSAB Tunnplåt AB.
Elander P och Carling M.
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial, Delrapport 9, Miljöbelastning vid användning av
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-21, 1997. SSAB Tunnplåt AB, Luleå.
Rogbeck J. och Elander P.
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial, Delrapport 10, Väg E4. Nyköpingbro-Jönåker.
Miljökonsekvenser vid användning av hyttsten.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-22, 1997. SSAB Merox AB.
Wilhelmsson B.
Restprodukter från Kalk- och Dolomitindustrin, restproduktinventering och
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-24, 1997.
Programområde IV: Uthållig metallåtervinning
Menad N. and Björkman B.
Impact of Organic Part on Elctric and Electronic Scrap Recycling.
MiMeR-rapport 1996-4-06, 1996.
Zhang S. and Forssberg E.
Physical Approaches to Metals Recycling from Electronic Scrap, Part I.
MiMeR-rapport 1996-4-10, 1996.
Menad N. and Björkman B.
Combustion of Plastic Contained in Electric and Electronic Scrap.
MiMeR-rapport 1996-4-12, 1996.
Granberg E.
Livscykelanalys - hållbar metallanvändning, Årsrapport för projekt VC.
MiMeR-rapport 1996-5-08, 1996.
Menad N. and Björkman B.
Dioxin - furan formation during combustion of electric and electronic scrap,
Thermodynamic calculations.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-4-01, 1997.
Zhang S. and Forssberg E.
Physical Approaches to Metals Recycling from Electronic Scrap, Part II.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-4-02, 1997.
Zhang S. and Forssberg E.
Physical Approaches to Metals Recycling from Electronic Scrap, Part III.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-4-06, 1997.
Menad N. and Björkman B.
Formation and Reduction of Dioxins during combustion.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-4-07, 1997.
Menad N. and Björkman B.
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) used as chlorinating and reducing agents.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-4-23, 1997.
Etapp 2
Programområde I: Restproduktåtervinning
Singh M.
Binders for the agglomeration of steel plant byproducts - A Literature Survey.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-1-26, 1997.
Singh M.
A Study of Cold Bond Agglomeration Process and Behavior of Various Binders, Interim
Report 2: Room temperature properties of the briquettes.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-1-27, 1997.
Yang QX.
On Drop Test methods for Cold Bond Briquettes.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-1-30, 1997.
Ma P. and Eriksson J.
Recovering oil containing waste products by using rotary kiln.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-1-31, 1997.
Eriksson J. and Ma P.
Reduction of mill scale and mill sludge in rotary kiln.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-1-32, 1997.
Yang Q.
Standard Test Method for Drop Test for Cold Bond Briquettes.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-1-2, 1998.
Eriksson J.
Oljehaltiga restprodukter, Slutrapport.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-1-3, 1998.
Singh M.
A study of cold bond agglomeration process and behaviour of various binders. Effect of
high temperature on the properties of the cold-bond briquettes.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-1-8, 1998.
Yang Q.
On Preliminary Smelt Tests of Briquettes from Avesta Sheffield AB.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-1-9, 1998.
Lindblom B., Ma P. and Johansson L-G.
Pickling Liqour and Hydroxide Sludge, Part I.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-1-10, 1998.
Yang, Q., Holmberg N., Menad N. and Björkman B.
A laboratory study on smelt-reduction of briquettes made of wastes from stainless steel
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-01, 1999.
Lind L.
Lagringstidens inverkan på briketternas kallhållfasthet.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-04, 1999. (Rapport från SSAB Merox AB).
Stenberg A.
Trommel & tryck - med och utan LD-stoft.
MiMeR-rapport.1999-1-05, 1999. (Rapport från SSAB Merox AB).
Stenberg A.
Normal avvikelse- trommeltest.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-06, 1999. (Rapport från SSAB Merox AB).
Stenberg A.
Fukt i färdig brikett.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-07, 1999. (Rapport från SSAB Merox AB).
Lind L.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-08, 1999. (Rapport från SSAB Merox AB).
Lind L.
Briketter i LKAB's pilotmasugn.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-09, 1999. (Rapport från SSAB Merox AB).
Lind L.
Merit i briketterna.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-10, 1999. (Rapport från SSAB Merox AB).
Lind L.
Brikett-tester med hyttsot, hyttslam, LD-stoft och koksstybb.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-11. (Rapport från SSAB Merox AB).
Eriksson J. och Zander B.
Rapport från etapp 1. Reduktion av glödskalsslam. Kampanj 2.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-17.
Eriksson J.
Rapport från pilotförsök vid etapp 2. Reduktion av glödskalsslam. Kampanj 2.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-18.
Eriksson J.
Reduktion av oljehaltiga glödskalsslam. Kostnadsberäkning.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-19.
Yang Q.
Smelt-reduction of briquettes for recycling wastes from stainless steel industry.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-20.
Lind L.
Brikettering av metallspån – ett externt projekt.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-21. (Rapport från SSAB SSAB Merox AB).
Lind L.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-1-22. (Rapport från SSAB SSAB Merox AB).
Singh M.
A study of cold bond agglomeration process and behaviou of various binders. Final
report: Phase 2.
MiMeR-rapport 2000-1-08
Lindblom B. and Ping M.
Pickling liquor and hydroxide sludge, part II.
MiMeR- rapport 2000-1-10
Yang Q.
Test methods. Final report for MiMeR project 1D.
MiMeR rapport 2000-1-12.
Eriksson J.
Slutrapport projekt IE. Reduktion av oljehaltiga glödskalsslam.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-1-06.
Årsrapport 2001. Programområde I, projekt IA, IB och IC.
MiMeR rapport 2001-1-16.
Programområde II: Nya produkter
Viklund-White C.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the Metallurgical Industry.
MiMeR-rapport 97-2-25, 1997.
Eriksson J. och Kappel R.
Kontrollerad slaggkvalitet, Årsrapport 96/97.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-2-28, 1997
Viklund-White C.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the Metallurgical Industry, Årsrapport 97/98.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-2-7, 1998.
Kappel R.
Kontrollerad slaggkvalitet, Årsrapport 97/98.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-2-11.
Moosberg H. and Lagerblad B.
Laboratorieundersökning om industriella restprodukters inverkan på betongs egenskaper.
Delrapport etapp II, Mimer projekt II C.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-2-13, 1998. Cement och Betong Institutet.
Larsson L.
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial. Delrapport 11, Projekt IIA. Utlakningsegenskaper
hos ferrokromslagg från Vargön Alloys AB.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-2-15,1998. Vargön Alloys AB. (Rapporterat av SGI 1995).
Carling M.
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial. Delrapport 12, Projekt IIA.
Auslaugungscharakterisierung von Ferrochromschlacke. Auslaugung nach dem Eluattest
MiMeR-rapport 1998-2-16, 1998. Vargön Alloys AB.(Rapporterat av SGI 1996).
Cnubben P.A.J.P., van der Sloot H.A. and Hoede D.
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial. Delrapport 13. Leaching of ferrochrome slag in the
marine environment.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-2-17, 1998. (Rapporterat av ECN april 1998.)
Tossavainen M. och Sandström Å.
Bioleaching of rock material used in road construction. Delrapport 14, Projekt II.A,
Miljöpåverkan från referensmaterial.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-2-12, 1999.
A-M Fällman och M. Carling.
Miljömässig karaktärisering av järnsand. Delrapport 15, Projekt II.A Miljöpåverkan från
MiMeR-rapport 1999-2-13, 1999. Rapporterat av SGI 1998 på uppdrag av Boliden
Mineral AB.
Viklund White.
Recovery, Recycling, Re-integration (R'99), 2-5 februari 1999, Geneve - Reserapport.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-2-23.
Tossavainen M. , Forssberg E.
Ageing studies of rock material.
MiMeR-rapport 2000-2-01.
Tossavainen M.
Studies of the leaching behaviour of rock material and slag used in road construction: A
mineralogical interpretation.
MiMeR-rapport 2000-2-02.
Leijdahl T.
Blästeravfall – en miljöresurs.
MiMeR- rapport 2000-2-06. (Rapport från Askania AB).
Lind B.
Miljöpåverkan av ferrokromslagg i vägar. Delrapport 18, Projekt II.A Miljöpåverkan från
MiMeR-rapport 2000-2-07. Rapporterat av SGI 2000 på uppdrag av Vargön Alloys AB.
Årsrapport 2001. Projekt IIB. Bygg- och anläggningsmaterial.
MiMeR rapport 2001-2-17.
Programområde III: Styrd restproduktgenerering
Ma J.
A pre-study of generation and removal of dust of the blast furnaces at SSAB.
MiMeR-report 1998-3-1, 1998.
White J.
Control of BOF dust formation and possibilities for high-temperature cleaning of BOF
off-gas. Literature survey.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-3-12, 1998.
Ma J.
Dust generation and dust removal of the blast furnaces No. 2 and No. 4, SSAB,
MiMeR-rapport 1999-3-03, 1999.
Samuelsson C.
Summary of the report: Minimizing Electric Arc Furnace Dust Generation Report III:
Phase II Work.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-3-14, 1999. CMP The EPRI Center for Materials Production.
Menad N., Yang Q.
Characterisation of electric arc furnace dusts.
MiMeR-rapport 1999-3-16.
Elofsson M.
Kartläggning av restprodukter vid SSAB Oxelösund AB.
MiMeR-rapport 2000-3-03. (Rapport från SSAB Merox AB).
Samuelsson C.
Impurity flows due to waste treatment. I. Impurity accumulation and influence of
impurities on blast furnace operation. A literature survey.
MiMeR-rapport 2000-3-04.
Samuelsson C.
Impurity flows due to waste treatment. II. Treatment of metallurgical waste from
integrated Iron and Steel plants. A literature survey.
MiMeR-rapport 2000-3-05.
Menad N.
Characteristics of by-products generated from metallurgical processes.
MiMeR-rapport 2000-3-09
Heino J*., Makkonen H*. and Samuelsson C.
(*Laboratory of Processmetallurgy in University of Oulu).
Un-utilized dusts, scales and sludge from Swedish and Finnish iron ore based steel plants
around Baltic Sea.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-3-10
Cui J., Forssberg E.
Årsrapport 2001. Projekt IIIB. Characterization of consumer electronic scrap. DGS
Table separation of consumer electronic scrap.
MiMeR rapport 2001-3-18.
Programområde IV: Uthållig metallåtervinning
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
Physical Approaches to Metals Recycling from Electronic Scrap, Part V.
MiMeR-rapport 1997-4-29, 1997.
Zhang S.
Gold Phase Analysis of recovered Materials by X-Ray Diffraction.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-4-04, 1998.
Menad N., Björkman B.
Precursors for PCDD/F Formation and Role of Sulphur, Water and HCl in Reducing
their Levels.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-4-05, 1998.
Zhang S., Forssberg E.
New Developments of Eddy-Current Separation:Part I, Modelling and Simulation of Twodrum ECS.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-4-06, 1998.
Viklund White C., Menad N.
Impurity accumulation as a consequence of increased scrap recycling.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-4-18, 1998. AFR-Report 249.
Cui J., Forssberg E.
Recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Mechanical recycling for fine
MiMeR-rapport 2000-4-11.
Allmänt, gemensamt, Övergripande
Populärvetenskapliga projektbeskrivningar inom Mimer, etapp II.
MiMeR-rapport 1998-X-14, 1998.
Referensgruppsmöte, MIMER 17-18 februari, 1999, Luleå. Sammanställning av
MiMeR-rapport 99-X-2, 1999.
Etapp 3
Programområde I: Restproduktåtervinning och generering
Sundqvist L., Elfverson E.
Injektion av hyttsot.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-1-01. Rapport från SSAB Tunnplåt AB.
Viklund-White C.
Bildning och upparbetning av zinkhaltiga stofter - litteraturstudie.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-1-11.
Heikkinen J., Pöyliö E.
Agglomeration of secondary raw materials at a sinter plant.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-1-12. (Rapport från Rautaruukki Steel)
Viklund-White C.
Återcirkulering av rökgasstoft till ljusbågsugnen i Avesta.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-1-13.
Wedholm A.
Briketter utan hyttsot.
MiMeR rapport 2001-1-19. (Rapport från SSAB Tunnplåt AB)
Yang Q., Gustafsson B.
Studies on dust recycling via electronic arc furnace at Uddeholm Tooling AB.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-1-01.
Yang Q., Nilsson M.
On laboratory smelting tests of annealing scales- “SHV” from Ovako Steel AB.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-1-02
Lindblom B., Ye G., Ping M.
Sulphur and fluorine elimination from hydroxide sludge and from liquid slag obtained
from reduction of hydroxide sludge.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-1-04
Årsrapport 2002. Programområde I, projekt IA, IB, IC och IE.
MiMeR rapport 2002-1-11.
Yang Q., Viklund White C., Gustafsson B.
On second campaign of EAF dust recycling via smelting in Electric Arc Furnace at
Uddeholm Tooling AB
MiMeR-rapport 2004-1-01.
Yang Q., Menad N., Örtlund T.
Smelting of EAF dust and EAF pellets from Fundia Special Bar AB.
MiMeR-rapport 2004-1-02.
Programområde II: Nya produkter
Karlsson A., Reblin T.
Undersökning av slagg som tätskiktsmaterial.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-2-02. Rapporterat av VBB VIAK på uppdrag av AB Sandvik Steel
Rehn K.
Tillsats av Colemanit i slagg-grytor.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-2-03. Rapport från AB Sandvik Steel.
Rehn K., Sjöberg P.
Slaggåtervinning – vittrande slagger.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-2-04. Rapport från AB Sandvik Steel.
Karlsson A., Reblin T.
Försök med slagg som tätskikt.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-2-05. Rapporterat av VBB VIAK på uppdrag av AB Sandvik Steel
Stening J.
Urlakningsmetoder på restprodukter från stålindustrin.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-2-07. Examensarbete; Högskolan Dalarna och Ovako Steel AB.
(Rapport från Ovako Steel AB).
Jansson Å.
Minimal återverkan från ljusbågsugnsslagg på miljön.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-2-08. Bergsskolan i samarbete med Ovako Steel AB. (Rapport från
Ovako Steel AB).
Jansson Å.
Laktestning av slagg från ljusbågsugnen i Hofors.
MiMeR-rapport 2001-2-09. Bergsskolan i samarbete med Ovako Steel AB. (Rapport från
Ovako Steel AB)
Pålsson K.
En studie av naturen vid en gammal obelagd slaggväg.
MiMeR rapport 2001-2-14. (Rapport från Ovako Steel AB)
Holmström M.
Syrgashyvelgranulat (SHV) i självkompakterande betong.
MiMeR rapport 2001-2-15. (Rapport från Ovako Steel AB)
M. Tossavainen.
Metodutveckling av en “snabb” laktest med materialen hyttsten och hyttsand.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-2-03.
Moosberg-Bustnes H.
Stoft från metallurgisk industri i betong.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-2-05
Moosberg-Bustnes H.
The effect of metal oxides on cement hydration- Literature review. Steel slags- A short
literature review.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-2-07
Tossavainen M.
The potential leaching of road-making material and potential influences on the leaching
MiMeR-rapport 2002-2-08
Wang Y., Forssberg E., Norman* B and Zander* B. *MinPro AB.
Briquetting process for recycling lime powders.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-2-09
Årsrapport 2002. Programområde II. Project IIB, Construction materials.
MiMeR rapport 2002-2-12.
Moosberg-Bustnes H., Fagerholm M.
Utredning av PaRMAC-metoden på kalkfiller från Köping.
MiMer-rapport, 2003-2-01
Moosberg-Bustnes H.
The Effect of Metal Oxides on Cement Hydration. FTIR Analyses of Cement Paste
Containing Metal Oxides.
MiMeR-rapport, 2003-2-02
Tossavainen M.
Långtidslakning av hyttsten och hyttsand.
MiMeR-rapport, 2004-2-03
Tossavainen M.
Karaktärisering av fyra stålslagger före och efter modifiering genom
MiMeR-rapport 2004-2-04
Yang Q., Engström F.
Laboratory melting and cooling tests for processing slag from steelmaking operations.
MiMeR-rapport 2004-2-05
Moosberg-Bustnes H., Tossavainen M., Yang Q., Engström F., Menad N.
Slutrapport IIB: Bygg- och Anläggningsmaterial.
MiMeR-rapport 2004-2-06
Programområde III: Uthållig metallåtervinning
Årsrapport 2002. Programme area III, project IIIB and IIIC.
MiMeR rapport 2002-3-13
Tossavainen M.
Statistik över restprodukter från Mineralindustrin.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-X-06
Wang Y.
Recycling and utilization of industrial solid waste - Literature review.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-X-10
Årsrapport 2002. Umbrella project A – Alternate recycling strategies for metallurgical
wastes. Umbrella Project C – Identification of rare metals in electric and electronic scrap.
MiMeR-rapport 2002-X-14.
Etapp 4
Programområde I: Torra och våta finkorniga material
Menad N., Björkman B.
Alternative Reducing Agents used for Recycling Oxide By-products.
MiMeR-rapport 2004-1-07
Mikael Persson
Basics and Methods to Maximise Zink Removal at Recycling of Steel Mill Dust
Rapporten är ett examensarbete inom OXYFINES® som tillhandahållits av Linde Gas AG för
distribution till styrgrupp I, ”Torra och våta finkorniga material”, MIMER.
MiMeR-rapport 2005-1-02
Programområde II: Slagg och askor
Adolfsson D.
Litteraturstudie Eco-klinker.
MiMeR-rapport 2004-2-08
Rapport från JAAKKO PÖYRY INFRA på uppdrag av Outokumpu Stainless Oy
Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning. Outokumpu Stainless Oy - Utbyggnad av delar av
verksamheten vid Torneåverken.
MiMeR-rapport 2005-2-01
Boel Lindström
Inverkan av processparametrar på ljusbågsugnsslaggens kromlakningsegenskaper, andra
MiMeR-rapport 2005-2-03
Tomas Sandström
Undersökning av förutsättningarna för användning av skänkslagg som tätskikt i deponier.
MiMeR-rapport 2005-2-04
Jari Mäntylä
Processing Metal Sulphate Salt. Pyrolytic cracking of metal sulphates in fluid bed
MiMeR-rapport 2005-2-05
Examensarbeten, licentiat- och doktorsavhandlingar
(Master theses)
(Siffrorna anger tidsmässig ordning)
2. Ping Ma.
An Experimental Study on Extracting Oil from Oil Containing Mill Sludge by Using
Organic Solvent.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of process Metallurgy. LTU-report 1997:131
CIV, 1997.
5. Nilsson M.
Stoftbildning i ljusbågsugn.
Avdelning för Processmetallurgi, Luleå Tekniska Universitet. Ltu-rapport 2000:060.
11. Nilsson N.
Inverkan av MgO på ljusbågsugnsslaggens lakningsegenskaper.
Avdelningen för Processmetallurgi, Luleå tekniska universitet. Ltu-rapport 2002:327.
14. Wedholm A.
Karaktärisering av två typer av restproduktbriketter genom laboratorieförsök och
utvärdering av driftförsök.
Avdelningen för Processmetallurgi, Luleå tekniska universitet. Ltu-rapport 2003:305.
16. Magnusson M. (2004-02-10)
Studie om återcirkulation av finkorniga restprodukter från ett integrerat stålverk
Avdelningen för Processmetallurgi, Luleå tekniska universitet. Ltu-rapport 2004:037
17. Engström F.
Stabilisering av krom i ljusbågsugnsslagg.
Avdelningen för Processmetallurgi, Luleå tekniska universitet. Ltu-rapport 2004:289.
21. Boel Lindström
Inverkan av processparametrar på ljusbågsugnsslaggens kromlakningsegenskaper
Avdelningen för Processmetallurgi, Luleå tekniska universitet. Ltu-rapport 2004:290.
22. Jouni Ylipekkala
Quality Management of Chromium Containing Steel Slags from Melt Phase to Cooling
Avdelningen för Processmetallurgi, Luleå tekniska universitet. Ltu-rapport 2005:029
23. Mikael Persson
Basics and Methods to Maximise Zink Removal at Recycling of Steel Mill Dust
MiMeR-rapport 2005-1-02
24. Daniel Adolfsson
Slaggcements hydrauliska egenskaper
Avdelningen för Processmetallurgi, Luleå tekniska universitet. Ltu-rapport
(Licenciate theses)
1. Shunli Zhang.
Materials Recycling of Electronic Scrap by Physical Separation.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Mineral Processing. LTU-report 1997:43,
4. Christina Viklund-White.
The use of LCA for the environmental evaluation of the recycling of galvanized steel.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Process Metallurgy. LTU-report 1999:56,
6. Tossavainen M.
Leaching behaviour of rock material and a comparison with slag used in road
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Mineral Processing. LTU-report 2000:23,
7. Huiting Shen.
Separation of plastics by flotation.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Mineral Processing. LTU-report 2000:41,
8. Helena Moosberg
Utilisation of chemically inert or pozzolanic particles to modify concrete properties and
save cement.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Mineral Processing. LTU-report 2000:53,
9. Maneesh Singh.
Studies on the cold bonded briquettes of iron and steel plant by-products as burden
material for blast furnaces.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Process Metallurgy. LTU report 2001:48,
10. Ping Ma.
Experimental studies on treatment and recycling of pickling sludge generated in stainless
steel production.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Process Metallurgy. LTU report 2001:57.
20. Ryan Robinsson
Recycling of Metallurgical By-Products within Integrated Iron and Steelmaking
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Process Metallurgy. LTU-report 2004:63,
(Doctoral Theses)
3. Shunli Zhang.
Recycling and Processing of End-of-Life Electric & Electronic Equipment: Fundamentals
and Applications.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Mineral Processing. LTU-report 1999:21,
12. Maneesh Singh.
Studies on the Cement-Bonded Briquettes of Iron and Steel Plant By-products as Burden
Material for Blast Furnaces.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Process Metallurgy. LTU-report 2002:50.
13. Helena Moosberg-Bustnes
Fine Particulate By-products from Mineral and Metallurgical Industries as Filler in
Cement Based Materials.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Process Metallurgy. LTU-report 2003:36.
15. Huiting Shen.
Separation of Solid Wastes for Recycling and Utilization.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Mineral Processing. LTU-report 2003:41.
18.Lena Sundqvist Ökvist
Co-injection of Basic Fluxes or BF Flue Dust with PC into a BF charged with 100 %
pellets: effects on slag formation and coal combustion.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Process Metallurgy. LTU-report 2004:31.
19. Ping Ma
Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Treatment and Recycling of Pickling Sludge
Generated in Stainless Steel Production.
Luleå University of Technology, Division of Process Metallurgy. LTU-report 2004:54