One day of experimental work and evaluation of obtained results, as much time is spent on preparation
by studying listed references and writing a report. The report should be written as a scientific report
introduction including a brief description of studied materials,
description of performed experiments,
presentation of experimental results,
discussion and conclusions, and
1. Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) Wednesday 11/3 2015
Studies of magnetic anisotropy in thin magnetic films by use of MOKE. The films have been
fabricated using UHV sputtering technique. The project will consist of the following parts:
i) Literature study of MOKE
ii) Tutorial on how to use the experimental MOKE equipment
iii) Experimental recording of MOKE curves
iv) Study of magnetic anisotropy of different thin films and/or multilayers
Projektledare: Fridrik Magnus, email
2. Electromagnetic losses in soft magnetic materials - Wednesday 11/3 2015
Magnetic measurements on electrical steel (silicon-iron); the measurements will be performed at
Surahammars Bruk on materials differing in sheet thickness and Si-content and in an experimental
setup called an Epstein frame. The energy loss per field cycle for the different samples will be
determined for different AC-field amplitudes and AC-field frequencies. From the measured total
loss, you should be able to identify different contributions (hysteresis loss, eddy current loss and
anomalous eddy current loss).
Projektledare: Arvid Broddefalk, email
3 & 4 Magnetic nanoparticles as a diagnostic tool (2 projects) 1) Mon 2/3 and 2) Wed 11/3
Magnetic nanoparticles have found numerous applications in bioscience, including magnetic
bioseparation, targeted drug delivery, contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging, etc.
In this project you will study how magnetic nanoparticles can be used in bioassays, where the
presence or absence of a biological substance in sample is revealed by the response of the
nanoparticles to an AC magnetic field. The nanoparticles, functionalized with oligo-nucleotides are
mixed with different amounts of amplified DNA molecules. The amplified DNA molecules are the
result of molecular recognition events between probe molecules and target molecules, where the
target molecules could originate from a patient sample.
One project group will use an AC susceptometer for read-out of the assay, while the other group
will use an magneto-optical method for read-out. In the magneto-optical method, the scattering of
light is affected by the presence of amplified DNA molecules.
Projektledare: Mattias Strömberg, email magneto-optical
method and Rebecca Bejhed, email AC susceptometer
5. New Rare Earth Free Permanent magnets for green energy production - Monday 2/3
6. Magnetisk mikrostruktur i 2D arrayer av NiFe mikrometerstora element - Monday 2/3
Arrayerna har tillverkats genom att använda optisk litografi. Arrayerna ska undersökas med AFM för
att studera topografi och MFM för att studera domänkonfigurationen i elementen. Exempel på frågor att
fundera över: Varför ser domänkonfigurationen ut som den gör? Inverkan av ett yttre magnetfält? Vad
bestämmer den magnetisk anisotropin i elementen?
Referenser: T. Shinjo et al., Science 289, 930 (2000); S. H. Liou et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 226-230,
1270-1272 (2001); R. D. Gomez, J. Appl. Phys. 85, 6163 (1999).
Projektledare: Klas Gunnarsson, email